Demystifying Cognitive Procurement- Why it should matter to the CPOs
This e-book delves into the five fundamental procurement priorities highlighted by the Hackett Group’s CPO Agenda 2023, offering an in-depth exploration of each area. It emphasizes the criticality of cognitive procurement in optimizing performance and fostering achievements within these core domains.
We have got industry thought leaders and game-changers in the procurement field, including representatives from Procurement Insights, Zycus Inc., Home Capital Group Inc., eAgree Inc., and Procurement Consulting Ltd, to shed light on why and how cognitive procurement can transform procurement practices, ensuring a resilient and agile supply chain.
Divided into five sections, the e-book covers five core areas:
Digital transformation and supply ecosystem modernization
Supply chain stability and reliable continuity
Data modernization and improved analytics
Combat inflationary price increases
Reduce spend costs while achieving cost optimization