New approaches to uncovering sub-tier risks
Procurement professionals report they must contend with risk landscape that consists largely of low-probability, high-impact events – so-called ‘black swans’.
This reflects supply chain managers’ lived reality in the years since 2020 – a period punctuated by disruption resulting from a series of catastrophic events, including the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s war in Ukraine, and ongoing, escalating geopolitical conflicts.
With international relations ever-more fractious, companies’ ability to trace supply chains is becoming increasingly critical if they are to mitigate geopolitical and compliance risks. Yet while there is no shortage of will on the part of procurement teams to improve their oversight of supply chains, meaningful visibility remains a distant reality for most.
Download New approaches to uncovering sub-tier risks, published in partnership with Procurement Leaders, to gain insights into:
- Prioritising discovery: With functions having to balance the competing demands of revenue-protection and regulatory compliance, learn how organisations are segmenting the supply based to map and screen the supply base.
- Promoting transparency: Discover the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of gathering information on Tier-n suppliers.
- Mitigating threats: The strategies leading organisations are enacting to avoid – or, at least, minimise – the impact of sub-tier risk events.